Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ...

The next Middle East war (Palestine War) (Arab countries war)

Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ... The history of [the Palestinian problem] The rise of [Zionism] (the end of the century - the next great war end) Year after the French Revolution, the Jews of France resident is released from the ghetto, But the first time was given the equivalent of citizenship and Christians to happiness is simple did not visited. Across Europe, it began to grow the anti-Semitism between the people, from 0 around, and the central Russia And intense Jewish persecution referred to as the [pogroms] in Eastern Europe has occurred. world During the period from the second half of century to World War II broke out, Eastern European Jews, about 000,000 people by the US It was escaped to the country. Jews of them and the existing immigration is cooperate with each other, and success, economy It came up to create a large organization and political move the US government. Currently, superpower America Mosquito to help Israel to maximize is their thanks. Year, in France Jews of the Army General Staff work, Alfred drain Few scan captain, personal malice Incident referred to and be dressed [Nureginu] spy from occurs.

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