Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ...

The Middle East is a war? - NAVER Summary

Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ... The Middle East is a war? Middle East War (Arabic: ?????? ?????? ??????????? Al-Sira'a Al'Arabi A'Israili, Hebrew: ?????? ??????? - ????? Ha'Sikhsukh Ha'Yisraeli-Aravi, English: Arab Israeli conflict) is a war between the Jewish state of Israel and the surrounding Arab nation?. During the period from year to year and a large-scale war is going on degree, each has been classified in the fourth order from the primary. Middle East problem has not been solved even now. Dispute incessantly unfolds between Israel and the Arab countries is a Jewish state, what is happening is often dispute. Among them it is called a large-scale conflict of four times the Middle East war. Israel Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East problem. Every time in the Middle East war, suggests that the Palestinian people territory has declined. Every time in over [Middle East war] The first Middle East War (?) The first Middle East War (Hebrew: ????? ????????, Arabic:? ???), it of war with Arab countries and Israel that have been made over the year from year.

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