Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ...

The severity of the [Yu Sato of the world behind the scenes] [US ...

Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ... The severity of the [US embassy to Jerusalem], even serious impact on the next Middle East war Japan economy what Trump says it has been found Opaque part in the foreign policy of the United States of playing cards next president often. I met a person familiar with the internal situation of the Republican Party of the United States at the beginning of the year. The man visited Washington, it was right after it comes to the exchange of opinions and Republican parties. I [Trump, had to say to be transferred to Jerusalem, the US Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to during the election period, surely I will not do such a thing after becoming president] asked. The man had said that could do even [Republican parties. I had the head to say to be the very thing]. Currently, there is the most friendly relations with Israel among the Arab countries is a Jordan. Israel is fully cooperating with respect to an empty defense of Jordan. Moreover, Jordan has maintained the United States and good relations in the Middle East.

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