Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ...

Palestine, injustice repeated - Le Monde Diploma Teak

Or the Middle East war is close? | Keiichi Yoshikawa - world economy ... Days 0 years after the war Palestine, injustice to be repeated Date of dawn, Israeli troops devastated the Air Force base in Egypt. In days, Israel, the Sinai Peninsula, Syria of the Golan Heights and was [Israel is independent] historically part of Palestine who fled the Israeli domination in the year the region, namely Jordan the West Bank, east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip It was conquered. Even now after 2.0 years it has continued Israeli occupation, but the strategy to be Uchikudako the national aspiration of the Palestinians are met with rooted in the long history of resistance. At the end of the 0 years, to name a few of the Republicans of the United States has created a group named [Israel's victory] (policy meeting) (). They stated that [we Israel winner are convinced that it is, we should acknowledge this fact if desired peace between Israel and neighboring countries in that war]. Which is one of the members Middle East researcher Daniel Pipes is, Israel [must admit to enemy its intention] that.

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